Friday, August 20, 2010

Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Donation: A Letter From My Patient

While I was on vacation in the Tetons, Tish, my donor coordinator called to tell me that I had received a letter from my patient and that she would be forwarding it to my home. I told her I couldn't wait until I got home - would she mind reading it to me on the phone? All I can say is WOW. This person is becoming more and more real everyday. The connection I feel to her is growing stronger. Here's the letter - it was written before I even knew that I was going to be donating to her.

23 June 2010

Dear Donor,

I learned today that your gift of life will be transplanted to me on 28 July 2010 (it was actually about 5 days after that). To me you are an unknown angel, giving me the possibility to continue teaching special needs students, growing old with my husband, and enjoying my daughters in their adult lives.

The diagnosis of acute myelodysplastic leukemia was hard to accept, let alone pronounce. However, with amazing doctors, nurses, maily, friends, and colleagues, I am in remission, preparing myself with good food and daily walks and exercise for the transplantation procedure. Every time I received a whole blood or platelet transfusion or thought about my Match Unrelated Donor, I thanked God for the angels and miracles in my life.

My family and I wish for you and yours good health and happiness, joy in the beauty of our Earth, and sincerest gratitude for your total unselfishness.

Yours truly,

Your humble recipient

By now, she's about "two weeks old". I say a daily healing prayer for her and hope to God that my "product" is helping to keep her alive and healthy. In 2-3 weeks, I may even get an update on her progress. Stay tuned. I'll keep y'all posted.


  1. Jane that's so great. I am so proud of you. You're a miracle worker!

    Anne Carol

  2. You are a strong woman. You are my hero. Generations nameless faceless people will bless your name. Children, grandchildren will know "Lily" because you were selfless. I am blessed to call you friend... sister... eternal friend.
    Love you Thressa
